Drive me crazy (pun intended)
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11:09 a.m.

I hate driving and I hate cars.

I think that's one of the biggest reasons I want to move to a bigger city. I don't want to rely on a car to get me places. Unless it's a taxi or I have a personal driver, and that last one won't be happening any time soon.

I think part of the reason I hate driving is because I have been through so many cars. I am 24. I started driving when I was 16. I am currently driving car #6. That is kind of a lot of cars for not that long of a time frame.

So, yes I get in car accidents. And yes, most of the time they are my fault. I also get tickets on occassion. It hasn't happened in awhile, though. I hope I'm not jinxing myself here.

But I used to like driving and I used to like cars, back when I was young and naive. I even named my cars at one time. When I drove a Chevy Celebrity, I named it 'Frank Sinatra.' I figured he was a pretty big celeb, so it fit well. I think the name was meant to be, too. On the day ole blues died, my car stalled. I'm serious.

I named my Lumina, Lumina Diamond Phillips, which I thought was pretty clever. At the time, I had two friends who were also driving luminas. One was named Alumina Newton John and the other was Mary Lumina Retton. Those were the good old days.

I have stopped naming my cars now. I find that once you name your car, you start to get attached and with my track record, it's just not a good idea to get attached to your car.

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