yes, I'm writing about urine
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1:31 p.m.

I started taking vitamins this week. I think it's great that vitamins are so healthy and stuff for you, but do you know the real reason I love taking vitamins? The thing I love most of vitamins is that they make your urine neon. I love it! I'm not sure why, but it's so fun to have glow in the dark pee! Everyone should be taking vitamins.

Ok, I am writing about urine. I can only imagine the kind of google hits this subject matter is going to get me. Can you tell it's a slow day around here? I need to find some excitement...

Longwave is playing not far from here tonight, but I don't think I'll be able to go. I'm pretty bummed about it. I need to find some local bands to check out. Is there any new music I should be listening to these days? I feel so out of touch.

Ok. I have to pee...

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