Supermarket checkout line reading
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9:44 a.m.

Every morning, I come into work and then I go through my morning routine. I first check my e-mail, then come over here to diaryland, and then I read all the celebrity gossip on the internet movie database.

Oh, did I say gossip? I meant to say "news." The way they report their news briefs is so gossipy and tabloid-style, though. It's pretty funny.

Today's edition started with the big Whitney Houston interview set to air tonight with Diane Sawyer. Apparently, Whitney is going to admit to having addictions to booze, pills, cocaine, and sex. Shocker, huh? If they ever do a remake of "Valley of the Dolls," I really think Whitney should play the role of Neely. (I never saw the movie, just read the book. But even though I hear it is so campy, it's on my list of films to see...)

Another story of the day is how Jim Carrey "Dramatically" saved Jennifer Aniston's life on the set of their new movie. I guess a crane was about to hit her, and Jim pushed her out of the way. They way they describe the stars on this site is what kills me, though. Aniston is described as Carrey's "gorgeous co-star." He is described as her "rubber-faced leading man." Isn't that hilarious? What self-respecting journalist would use the phrase "rubber-faced leading man???"

Maybe I should take that last line back. I think I might want to write for the internet movie database celebrity news section.

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