2003: The year of me
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11:30 a.m.

I wasn't going to write the typical "New Years entry" in which I go over my resolutions, but what the hell.

So, here are my New Year's resolutions for 2003:

- Go to more yoga classes (once every other week just is not doing it for me.)

- Run more.

- Less carbs. (This is going to be really difficult for me. Bread is my favorite food. Bread and water is my favorite meal. Yeah, I could survive in prison. Except I wouldn't want to be anyone's bitch...)

- Move to a new city. (I've set my deadline for late March/early April.)

- World peace.

Ok, there we go. 2003 can officially start now...

Recent Attractions / Now Playing

mix tape monday - 2005-10-17
forgotten, but not gone - 2005-09-26
red scare - 2005-06-25
i don't want to settle down, i just want to chew gum - 2005-06-23
the wonion - 2005-06-09
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