This friendship should be called "the titanic"
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1:36 p.m.

So, I have this long-lost friend. Except I'm not sure if she is my friend anymore. I just got off the phone with her and things did not go well.

Let me explain.

I haven't talked to this friend in about four years. It wasn't because we got in a giant fight and stopped speaking to eachother. We just kinda went in different directions and lost track of eachother. I'm not as good with my correspondence as I should be. It's something I am trying to get better at.

Well, I was cleaning out my desk at home a couple of weeks ago and I found her address. I decided that I would write her a letter and play a little joke on her at the same time.

You see, this old friend was adopted and had never met her real parents. So, I wrote her the letter and I said I was her real father and left my phone number for her to call me. When she called this morning, I said "You'll never guess who this is!" and then I started laughing.

I was the only one laughing, though. She didn't find it funny at all and started cursing at me and finally hung up on me.

I would feel really bad about this situation if it was true. Just like with my "fake mother," I'm pulling your leg again. It's fun to make up stories...

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