will I go to hell for this?
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8:52 a.m.

Until this past weekend, I hadn't been home for a visit since I moved to Chicago in July. I've been really missing my friends, and my sister, who is a senior in high school was on the homecoming court, so I wanted to go home to support her. I was on the court (I lost) and my brother was also on it (he also lost). I figured that maybe one member of the family could actually win, and my sister was the last chance.

So, I figured that if I left early Wednesday morning and came back to Chicago on Saturday afternoon, I would only miss one day of work. The thing is that I made up my mind to visit home at the very last minute, that I knew I wouldn't be able to find someone to cover my shift. My only option was to call off.

Calling off work is tricky thing. You need a good excuse, but you don't want to get too graphic in your "family emergency" (isn't that what all excuses end up being?)because you don't want the karma to come back and get you. I really hate lying, so I decided that if I could come up with an excuse without having to lie too much, that would really be great.

When I called into work, I didn't end up lying at all. This is what I said: "My great uncle passed away. I'm going to Columbus for a couple of days. I'll be back to work Saturday night."

Not one of those sentences was a lie. It was just me being deceitful. My great uncle did pass away. Only it happened a year ago. When he did die, though, I didn't miss any work, so I feel like I had a freebie coming my way. I had funeral credit, if you will, that I finally decided to cash in.

I did have a nice visit with my friends and family. Although, I'm beginning to believe in this karma stuff. My sister did not win the homecoming queen title, and I ended up getting a really bad strep throat the minute I got back to Chicago...

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