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11:19 a.m.

Sometimes I have this weird Ohio pride going on. I really do love Columbus. I'm glad I'm not there, but I still love it. Maybe that's how everyone is about their hometown.

I'm always defending Columbus in conversations, even when it isn't necessary. I don't know how many times I have told people over the last couple of weeks that Columbus is an "up and coming city." The problem, now, is that I'm afraid I have talked up the city way too much. If any of these people go there (which I doubt would really happen), they might see that Columbus, Ohio may not always have it's thumb on the pulse of the cool.

Another problem is that the people who I have met who are also from Ohio are really lame. I like Ohio, but these people prove me wrong. There's this real creepy guy who is staying in the house right now who's from Ohio. He's 50-something and when he filled out his e-mail address on his registration card, he wrote, "[email protected]." We don't need him to be from Ohio. Also, I think that should not be his main e-mail address. It's creepy! That e-mail address only seems to have one goal in life, and I don't think it's writing letters.

Another one that was here last week was also from Ohio and might be the worst dresser I have ever seen in my whole life. Horrible, horrible shirts! Can you go on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" if you aren't straight?

If any decent people from Ohio read this, please visit Provincetown sometime this summer and help me represent. Cool and hip people from Ohio DO exist, I swear...

Recent Attractions / Now Playing

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forgotten, but not gone - 2005-09-26
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i don't want to settle down, i just want to chew gum - 2005-06-23
the wonion - 2005-06-09
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