That spotlight is for ME, Jesus.
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10:00 a.m.

The bistro I used to work at called and asked me to work a banquet last night. I love being able to work there whenever I want to. Usually, I call them looking for shifts when I bounce checks, which I am happy to report has been pretty rare lately. But it was nice to go in for 5 hours and walk away with $130. Why did I stop being a full-time server??? Oh yeah, because I got really burnt out. But, I do love the fact that the full time server work week is about 25 hours, maybe 30. Oh well.

I am still getting a little worried about the big birthday party. Just about everyone I invite says they will be there, except they won't be able to come until later. I'm thinking this just might turn into a fab. after hours party. whatever. People are so busy in December, what with all these holidays.

It used to annoy me having a birthday in Decemeber. When I was little, I would never have that many summer clothes because I got so many winter clothes for the birthday and Christmas.

And, also I would never let my family put up the Christmas tree until after my birthday. I didn't want the focus to be taken away from me. I didn't want to share my birthday with Jesus'. Isn't that so selfish? I'm over it now, though. It took awhile, but I'm now ok with Christmas decor before my birthday...

Recent Attractions / Now Playing

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forgotten, but not gone - 2005-09-26
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i don't want to settle down, i just want to chew gum - 2005-06-23
the wonion - 2005-06-09
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