You don't know Jack
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10:00 a.m.

I really need to buy an ice scraper. All week, I have been sitting in the car while I watch the ice defrost, which takes awhile. I end up getting impatient, so I get out of my car and try to scrape the ice/frost off with an umbrella. And let me just tell you that an umbrella does not make for a very good ice scraper. Although, it did work better than I had originally thought. But still.

I met a former roommate out last night, who was hanging out with this guy he is having sex with and a girl-friend of the guy. I hate when I meet new people and they get on my nerves right away. These two characters didn't actually get on my nerves at first. It wasn't until they told me that I remind them of Jack from Will and Grace. I hate it when people tell me that. I don't get it often, but when I do, it is so damn annoying. I don't look like Jack. I dress better than Jack. Yes, I do say funny things quite often that you might sometimes wonder if I hired a sit-com writer and they are telling me what to say through a tiny ear piece that no one can see that I wear all the time. But's about it. I'm funny. Jack is funny, and I am funny. There you go.

And since my reaction was not too favorable to the comparison, you would think they would have dropped it. But, nope, that was not the case. "I really can't believe how much you remind me of Jack." "No, that's a compliment." That was all I heard the whole night.

Maybe I should've stopped being funny in order for the comparison to go away. I think that's too much to ask of me, though, really.

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the wonion - 2005-06-09
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