what's the big deal?
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9:30 a.m.

So, I can�t believe that this whole gay marriage issue has turned into such a big deal. I guess I just don�t understand it. Marriage is not something I ever think about, even though a few of my straight friends my age have already gotten married. I guess I�m like Carrie Bradshaw that way, I just don�t think I�m the marrying kind.

That doesn�t mean that I don�t think everyone should have the same opportunities as everyone else. That�s all it should really come down to, I feel. Everyone should be treated the same. Why can�t so many people understand it that way?

The thing that really gets me, though, is the argument being used against gay marriage. In an effort to define marriage, people are saying that it is a holy and sacred vow, or whatever, between a man and a woman. Marriage has suddenly become something that is sacred and holy. If people are really feeling this way, shouldn�t we be working hard not to ban people of the same sex getting married, but to ban divorce. If we should really be taking the idea of marriage so seriously, then why do we allow divorce? Something as special as marriage shouldn�t be thrown away so easily.

I�m not saying that I�m against divorce; it just seems to me that the people who are against gay marriages aren�t really thinking very clearly. How does it all really affect them, anyway? What�s the big deal?

I�m no psychic, but I can just see this as an embarrassing moment for America. People in the future will look back on these days and also wonder what the big deal was. It�s so sad that fear is driving people to hate. I just don�t get the advantage of having a closed mind. What are the conservatives so afraid of? I�m not worried that the whole same sex marriage thing won�t happen, I�m pretty sure it will. So, why not participate in an important, and inevitable, moment in history now? I think it would be pretty exciting to be a part of a huge social change. It will be a part of our legacy.

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